706-1W Side Viewing Target


Plug Target with Bi-Filar Pattern

The 706-1W plug target has a dual width, bi-filar line pattern which is machine engraved and black-filled on white plastic. This target is often used as a reference target for a variety of machinery alignments. The white target body provides a good contrast with the black target lines under typical lighting conditions. 

The target pattern is centered on the plug within ±0.001" (0.025 mm). Target spacings of 0.010" and 0.020" allow shot distances up to 25 feet (7.6 m). Shank diameter is 0.250".


May Be Used With

740-A Adjustable Floor Target Mount
Any fixture having ¼" target mount holes

Material White acetyl plastic
Pattern Two sets of paired lines, with 0.010" and 0.020" (0.254 mm and 0.508 mm) spacings
Target Centering in ±0.001
Target Centering mm ±0.025